General O.S.F. Chart:
NO Beginner's Luck can be used on this chart, or any of the sub-charts within.
%Roll: Other Significant Features:
01-02: Ability-Points
03-04: Align
05-11: Ambidextrous, Natural
12: Blood Infection
13-22: Body Weapon
23-25: Characteristic Boost
26: Creation
27: Destruction
28-30: Detection
32-34: Direction Sense
36-37: Empath
38: Flying
39-40: Friendship, Natural
41-43: Gamblers luck
44-45: Healing
46-47: Hybrid, Energetic
48: Immortality
49: Immunity
50: Invisibility
51: Knowledge
52-54: Limber
55-56: Luck
57: Metamorph
58: Mystic
59-61: Natural fasting
62-64: Perception
65-67: Photographic Memory
68-71: Resistance
72-74: Revealing Eye
75-76: Sight
78: Sixth Sense
79-80: Spell-Casting, Natural
81-83: Spell-Points
84: Spirit Phase
85-87: Stone Skin
88-90: Thick Boned
91-93: Tough
94-96: Watched
97-00: Water Breath
Next step: Character's Background